Sunday, January 31, 2016

OCC Minutes Jan. 01, 2014

OCC Minutes Jan. 01, 2014

Trish opened the meeting at 6:30 and asked for reports.

Treasurer:  Tim White
Library:  Dhruba in India
Equipment:  Gary Prill not present
Snacks:  Irv Cobb brought cupcakes.

HOTSHOPS - Trish read a list of members who have signed up for the Show and Sale in May.  She also passed around a signup sheet for more participants.  In March we could start deciding what to do with the space.

Facility Change?:  Trish wants to form a committee to research other places to hold our meetings in order to be more central for most members.  

N4C Conference:  Trish recapped the 2013 conference in Creston for the purpose of encouraging OCC members to sign up to help host in the fall of 2015.  There are 13 committee chairs needed:

1. general chairperson
2. vice chairperson
3. secretary
4. program
5. registration
6. banquet on final evening
7. publicity
8. financial
9. field trip
10. exhibit (year's best of the best photos)
11. equipment chair
12. hospitality
13. printing (flyers, brochures, itineraries, etc)

N4C has seed money and our club can also make a small profit through a slight increase in the registration fee.  It takes about a year to put a conference together.

Linda Davis described N4C as 11 clubs from different states.  They hold monthly contests, and every spring there is a mini conference in Springbrook, Iowa.  This year it will be April 25 - 27.  This fall it will be on Sept 11 - 14 in Hudson, WI.

Irv Cobb is looking for volunteers to help do portraits in a church.  Contact Irv for more details.

Attendance:  23 members and 2 guests

Tonight's Program:  Show and Tell

Next Meeting:  Mike Barker will give a presentation on both stop-action photography and tips for shooting in Hawaii.

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